RLRR educates Red Lake Reservation residents by teaching basic animal care, which includes feeding, watering, shelter, medical care and spaying/neutering.
We are committed to teaching compassion to a society facing enormous challenges. The reservation has a very high rate of poverty and unemployment, so it is no surprise that the most vulnerable population, dogs and cats, would suffer, too. By teaching compassion, and providing an opportunity for volunteerism for residents, especially youth, the suffering experienced by the reservation animals is reduced.
RLRR provides information about animal health care, abuse, overpopulation, and spay/neuter opportunities at the new Red Lake Wellness Center and at its local spay/neuter clinics.
Red Lake Rosie’s would like to develop a model for rescue, shelter, veterinary care, and reducing overpopulation through spay/neuter initiatives that can be replicated on other Indian Reservations.
RLRR has numerous annual educational and fundraising booths at various animal-friendly events.